"What are other opinions?...Is it human nature that changes, society or a combination of both?....Do they depend on each other?"

Someone brought up in our class, that it seems as if we as humans change to deal with the society around us, but don't we also make society change?
I feel that we as humans try to change everything around us to make it easier for our living; look around, it's totally true. I'm sitting at a table, on a chair, with my laptop, in the laundry room of BT, listening to my MP3 player. All of these things were introduced to our lives to make things easier for us, and we have changed our whole lives around these things, and even CENTER our lives around some items.
Though we as people changed the society around us and introduced ourselves to such items, it inevitably changes how our nature is. Look back fifty years ago or so, and how technology has changed since then. Compare it to how we live our lives today... it's totally different. We seem to center ourselves upon new technology. Cell phones are everywhere now, and they do more than just call people. We can do anything a computer and/or iPod can do, just with the simple push of a few buttons. But we can't blame our changing on technology, because we as humans thrive for new things like such, so we create them.
Humans are forced to change society with our wanting nature, but society is gladly mailable and changes for our favor.
How has human nature changed the idea of complete dominance in our nature (AKA alpha male and such)?
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