Fact: I'm currently on facebook having a conversation with someone on a status post about California.
I want to say the longest time I was away from Facebook was my sophomore year in high school when I was in Spain for two and a half weeks.
During that time, I didn't even have access to a computer so it didn't really phase me that I couldn't check my facebook, but when I came back I had over 200 notifications... It was ridiculous
Aside from when I left the country and when I just didn't have access to a computer, the longest time I didn't check my Facebook page was about three days or so, and I was still slammed with notifications. In that time, I don't even know what I was doing. Most likely outside, out with friends, and work. But no matter what I have going on, I always manage to find time to check my page because I use it to talk to my parents who live in California.
How do you think we have become addicted to technology and can't seem to live without it (such as cell phones, laptops, and social networks)?