I personally feel that the human race is extremely pompous and egotistical. It shows in every single action that is carried out- even in the upbringing of our civilization! The world is where it is today because creators and inventors thought it would make things more "convince" or "easier" for us as humans. I've personally asked this question to several people around me before and I've gotten answers as wide as "because we have thumbs" or "because we walk solely on two legs and process our own thoughts", but I think it's because we are truly full of ourselves. In a way, humans have the right to think we are superior than other creatures, because look at the world that was built around us, we as humans created this; not any other creature.
Also, due to the way civilization has in a way exploded; we endanger so many other living things because of our selfishness. We take away the homelands of animals to create places for our amusement? And then think better and highly of ourselves?! I see why you raised this question. I totally agree with you, and I feel it's mainly because humans are SO self centered. Everything is about us, and what we want, what we "need", and because we act too capriciously to even take into consideration the other living things on Earth.