Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We hate the truth?

So I was browsing the internet and I found the entry linked above.  I read it, and it made me think; made me think a lot.  And I just have a few questions for all of you.  Can answer one or all, I'm just really curious now!

But once they turned their attention away from the technology and directly to us, I think the most common reaction would be disgust: "I broke my back trying to create a better world, and ended up with ... you?"   This is one of the things that made me think the most honestly.  Why do you think the world has gotten to how it has?  Why do you think the people of the past would probably frown on what has been created around us?

All things must end, including our lives, including our civilization. When the big ship finally goes down, will it even be worth saving?  This question was raised in the writing... and it's a great one.  All things do come to an end.. and when our end comes, do you think that all that we have created will be worth saving?
 As the article says, most humans aren't comfortable with the truth.. Why do you think that is so?
And my last question for you is:
As the article says, when we aren't doing anything,
Our minds tend to go to unpleasant thoughts...
Why do our minds go to these thoughts and questions that often upsets us?

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