April 20, 1999.
Columbine, Colorado.
History was made.
Two students shot up the high school, killing fellow classmates.
First one to be killed was a girl named Rachel Joy Scott, and she was killed because they asked her if she believed in God; she stood by her faith and replied with a "yes", then was shot.
Many people have heard of and have been touched by an organization called “Rachel’s Challenge” which was put together by her family, and it reminds people of her goals of her life that she wishes everyone else to follow.
“I won’t settle to be average,” – Rachel Joy Scott
The quote above is a quote that she lived daily by, along with 5 other goals that prose as her “challenge”.
Her challenges are as listed:
1. Eliminate Prejudice
2. Dare to Dream
3. Choose your influences
4. Kind words
5. Starts a Chain Reaction
She also had an idea of chain reactions, a more realistic version of the movie Pay It Forward you could call it. Rachel thought that if she did one nice thing to a person- could be as simple as a smile- could improve their day, which would make them do something nice to another person, thus causing a chain reaction.
I accepted Rachel's Challenge my senior year in high school, will you?
you just may cause a chain reaction...
Do you think such lifestyle changes are realistic? How far will the “chain reaction” exactly go? Would taking this challenge turn the acts of kindness from an altruistic act into an act of egoism?