Kim asked : "Why do people, like myself, enjoy looking and reading things about the supernatural even if they do not believe?"
Personally, I love ghost stories and pictures of ghosts, and I always have. I believe that the house I spent nine years of my life in in Virginia was haunted by a ghost that my sister and I named Rose. A lot of weird things happened in that house that we never could explain, and we often saw figures that weren't there- needless to say, I'm a believer!
As for why people get enjoyment out of reading about supernatural things that they may not particularly believe.. I think it is to seek the thrill. Just thinking something like that could potentially happen and there is some "evidence" is bone-chilling in a sense. Why do we enjoy reading fictional books or watching fictional movies? It's all for the thrill and flat out entertainment. Also, some people actually believe in things such as ghosts and other supernatural things, and the pictures and stories prose as some sort of evidence and possibly is reassuring in their mind that they aren't crazy.
Talking about ghosts make me think about superstitions; what truth do you think is behind superstitions?
I have responded to your question in my blog!