Tuesday, February 22, 2011

In response to Sam's question....

Why do you believe that the people of poorer countries are often happier then their counterparts in wealthier societies?

Thinking about this question honestly makes me happy.  America is one of the more wealthy countries in the world, and because of the wealth we are often seen as snobbish- in a way, we are.  Though some people have a sense of work ethic and such, most people can't appreciate the things that we have in our lives.  We complain about the smallest things, and we often say we "need" things, when it is a simple want.  But I feel the poorer countries are actually better off than people in America.  They work for all they have, and they cherish every bit that they have in their life.  And most are even thankful for the smallest things that they have!  
I personally think that if you have nothing in life, and then you work your heart out to get something, you learn to cherish that along with everything else you earned.  Once you start getting wealthy and are able to get things easily, I feel that is when a person stops losing respect and value for their paraphernalia.

Why do you think that people value certain objects more than others in their lives?

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